E&O - Roadmap To Homeowners Endorsements and Personal Inland Marine Pt1 (ABEN) 01/17/2024

Wednesday, January 17, 2024 (10:00 AM - 1:00 PM) (EST)


This course is Part I of II and this module. As of January 1, 2020, 3 hrs is required to be eligible for the 10% Swiss Re/Fireman's Fund premium discount! 

The standard Homeowners policy provides broad coverage designed to meet the needs of the average American homebuyer. This “average” home owner may be single or married, with or without children, living in a free-standing single-family home. This typical home owner maintains a modest lifestyle, owns no unusual property, has no unusual hobbies or activities and is not the “exciting” cast of characters you would see in a reality TV show or sitcom. 

To keep premiums reasonable—and for other reasons, these standard policies also exclude or limit coverage for insurable exposures that a minority of families face. These excluded exposures create coverage gaps that can often be filled for an additional premium, by modifying the standard policy’s limits or other provisions, adding an appropriate endorsement, or purchasing an additional policy. 

This course is designed to help insurance practitioners identify and overcome many of the coverage gaps, exclusions, limitations, and uninsured exposures their Homeowners clients face. The approach varies by topic, but the general goal is first to discuss circumstances that might create an atypical exposure or a need for additional insurance beyond that provided by a standard policy, and then to explain measures that can be used to eliminate this coverage gap by insuring or otherwise managing the exposure.

ABEN Webinar
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ABEN - Agents & Brokers Education Network
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Wednesday, January 17, 2024 (10:00 AM - 1:00 PM) (EST)
January 17, 2024 (10:00am - 1:00pm)
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